The Superblock

The superblock of an ext2/3/4 file system describes the structure and configuration of the file system. This information is used by the implementation to determine the physical and logical structure of the file system. This section describes the structure of the superblock itself.


All fields described in this section are stored on the disk in little-endian format, regardless of the system architecture.


The implementation currently only works in little-endian architectures. If you would like to get involved in implementing big-endian support, please file an issue at the project repository over at Github

The code in Implementation makes us of several using directives to reduce the amount of typing as well as make the code more readable. The following aliases are declared in fs/detail/types.hpp:

using u32 = std::uint32_t

An unsigned 32-bit integer.

using s32 = std::int32_t

A signed 32-bit integer.

using u16 = std::uint16_t

An unsigned 16-bit integer.

using s16 = std::uint16_t

A signed 16-bit integer.

using u08 = std::uint8_t

An unsigned 8-bit integer.

using u32_arr = std::array<u32, Size>

An array of unsigned 32-bit integers

Template Parameters
  • Size: The size of the array

using u08_arr = std::array<u08, Size>

An array of unsigned 8-bit integers

Template Parameters
  • Size: The size of the array

using chr_arr = std::array<char, Size>

An array of characters

Template Parameters
  • Size: The size of the array



Describe structure of the superblock


struct fs::detail::superblock

This structure describes the ext2/3/4 superblock


Public Types

enum creator_operating_system

The operating system that created the file system.

The “standard” utilities to create an ext2/3/4 file system record the operating system they were used on. The values of this enumeration are the “well-known” operating systems, e.g the ones most implementations should understand.



linux = 0


hurd = 1


masix = 2


freebsd = 3


lites = 4


enum revision_level

The revision level of the file system.

ext2/3/4 currently come in two different revision levels, known as the “Good old” revision and the “Dynamic” revision. The “Good old” format uses fixed inode size and generally lacks some “modern” features, whereas the “Dynamic” format supports, among other things, dynamic inode sizes.



good_old = 0

The first version of ext2.

dynamic = 1

The file system supports “modern” features.

enum compatible_feature

The compatible features of ext2/3/4.

ext2/3/4 define a set of so-called compatible features. Even if the implementation does not support these features, it is safe to read and write data from and to the file system. The values of this enumeration reflect the currently “well-known” features.

The current implementation does not support any of the “compatible features”.


directory_preallocation = 1

Blocks for new directories can be preallocated.

imagic_inodes = 2

TODO: Find out what this does.

has_journal = 4

The file system has an ext3 journal.

extended_attribues = 8

The file system supports extended attributes.

resize_inode = 16

The file system can be resized.

directory_indexing = 32

The file system suppors directory indexing.

lazy_block_group_initialization = 64

The file system lazily initializes block groups.

exclude_inode = 128

TODO: Find out what that does.

exclude_bitmaps = 256

The file system has snapshot-related exclude bitmaps.

sparse_superblock_v2 = 512

The file system uses version 2 of the sparse superblock.

enum incompatible_feature

The incompatible features of ext2/3/4.

ext2/3/4 define a set of so-called incompatible features. If the file system makes use of one or more of these features and the implementation does not support the features used, it must refuse to read or write from or to the file system. The values of this enumeration are the currently “well-known” features.

The current implementation implementation does not support any of the “incompatible features”.


compression = 1

The file system uses compression.

filetype = 2

Filetypes are recorded in directory entries.

recover = 4

The fFile system needs recovery.

journal_device = 8

The file system has a separate device for the journal.

meta_block_group = 16

The file system has meta block groups.

extents = 64

The file system uses extents.

large_file_system = 128

The file system supports 2^64 blocks.

multiple_mount_protection = 256

The file system must be protected against being mounted more than once at a time.

flexible_block_groups = 512

The file system uses flexible block groups.

large_extended_attribues_in_inodes = 1024

The file system stores large extended attributes in inodes.

data_in_directories = 4096

The file system stores data directly in directory entries.

metadata_checksum_seed_in_superblock = 8192

The checksum seed for metadata is stored in the superblock.

large_directory = 16384

The file system uses a large directory or 3-level hash tree.

data_in_inode = 32768

The file system stores data directly inside inodes.

encrypted_inodes = 65536

The file system uses encrypted inodes.

enum read_only_compatible_feature

The read-only compatible features of ext2/3/4.

ext2/3/4 define a set of so-called read-only compatible features. An implementation that does not support one or more of these features might still access the file system in a read-only way. The values of this enumeration are the currently “well-known” read-only compatible features.

The current implementation implementation does not support any of the “read-only compatible features”.


sparse_superblock = 1

The file system has a sparse superblock.

large_file = 2

The file system supports large files.

binary_tree_directories = 4

The file system uses sorted binary trees for directories.

huge_file = 8

The file system contains files represented by the number of logical blocks (e.g. HUGE files)

enum compression_algorithm

The compression algorithms of ext2/3/4.

While compression in ext2 was only supported via a patch, later iterations added the compression feature as a “core” component of the file system. The values of this enumeration are the currently “well-known” compression algorithms found in ext2/3/4.

The current implementation implementation does not support any of these algorithms.
A file system might be using multiple compression algorithms at a time.


lempel_ziv = 1

Lempel-Ziv compression.

lempel_ziv_ross_williams_3a = 2

Lempel-Ziv Ross-Williams 3A compression.

gzip = 4

GZIP compression.

bzip2 = 8

BZIP2 compression.

lempel_ziv_oberhumer = 16

Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer compression.

using cos = std::underlying_type_t<creator_operating_system>

The underlying type of creator_operating_system.


using rlv = std::underlying_type_t<revision_level>

The underlying type of revision_level.


using cft = std::underlying_type_t<compatible_feature>

The underlying type of compatible_feature.


using ift = std::underlying_type_t<incompatible_feature>

The underlying type of incompatible_feature.


using rft = std::underlying_type_t<read_only_compatible_feature>

The underlying type of read_only_compatible_feature.


using cpr = std::underlying_type_t<compression_algorithm>

The underlying type of compression_algorithms.


Public Functions

bool has(compatible_feature const feature) const

Check if the file system has the desired “compatible feature”.

true iff. the file system has the feature, false otherwise

bool has_all(std::initializer_list<compatible_feature> const features) const

Check if the file system has all of the desired “compatible features”.


bool has_any(std::initializer_list<compatible_feature> const features) const

Check if the file system has at least one of the desired “compatible features”.


bool has(incompatible_feature const feature) const

Check if the file system has the desired “incompatible feature”.

true iff. the file system has the feature

bool has_all(std::initializer_list<incompatible_feature> const features) const

Check if the file system has all of the desired “incompatible features”.


bool has_any(std::initializer_list<incompatible_feature> const features) const

Check if the file system has at least one of the desired “incompatible features”.


bool has(read_only_compatible_feature const feature) const

Check if the file system has the desired “read-only compatible feature”.

true iff. the file system has the feature, false otherwise

bool has_all(std::initializer_list<read_only_compatible_feature> const features) const

Check if the file system has all of the desired “read-only compatible features”.


bool has_any(std::initializer_list<read_only_compatible_feature> const features) const

Check if the file system has at least one of the desired “read-only compatible features”.


Public Members

u32 inodes_count

The total number of inodes in the file system.

u32 blocks_count

The total number of blocks in the file system.

u32 reserved_blocks_count

The number of blocks reserved for the super user.

u32 free_blocks_count

The number of free blocks in the file system.

u32 free_inodes_count

The mumber of free inodes in the file system.

u32 first_data_block_id

The first block that carries user data in the file system.

u32 logical_block_size

The logical size of a block (1024 << logical_block_size)

s32 logical_fragment_size

The logical size of a block (1024 << logical_fragment_size)

u32 blocks_per_group

The number of blocks per block group.

u32 fragments_per_group

The number of fragments per block group.

u32 inodes_per_group

The number of inodes per block group.

u32 last_mount_timestamp

The unix timestamp when the file system was last mounted.

u32 last_write_timestamp

The unix timestamp of the last write operation to the file system.

u16 mount_count

The number of times the file system was mounted since the last check.

u16 maximum_mount_count

The maximum number of times the file system can be mounted until a full check.

u16 magic_number

The magic number identifying the file system type.

s16 state

The state of the file system.

s16 error_behaviour

The desired behaviour if a file system error occurs.

s16 revision_level_minor

The minor revision level of the file system.

u32 last_check_timestamp

The unix timestamp of the last check of the file system.

u32 check_interval

The unix time interval in which to check the file system.

cos creator_operating_system_id

The operation system identifier of the OS that created the file system.

rlv revision_level

The revision level of the file system.

u16 super_user_id

The user ID of the super user.

u16 super_user_group_id

The group ID of the super user group.

u32 first_inode_id

The id of the first inode usable for standard files.

u16 inode_size

The size of an inode in bytes.

u16 superblock_group_id

The ID of the block group hosting this superblock.

cft compatible_features_bitmap

The active compatible features.

ift incompatible_features_bitmap

The active incompatible feature.

rft read_only_compatible_features_bitmap

The active features compatible with read-only mode.

u08_arr<16> uuid

The UUID of the file system.

chr_arr<16> label

The label of the file system.

chr_arr<64> last_mount_point

The location the file system was last mounted on.

cpr compression_algorithms_bitmap

The compression algorithms used in the file system.

u08 file_preallocated_blocks_count

The number of blocks to preallocate for a file.

u08 directory_preallocated_blocks_count

The number of block to preallocate for a directory.

u16 _padding

Alignment padding.

u08_arr<16> journal_superblock_uuid

The UUID of the superblock containing the journal.

u32 journal_inode_id

The ID of the inode hosting the journal.

u32 journal_device_number

The device number of the journal.

u32 last_orphan_inode_id

The first inode in the list of inodes to delete.

u32_arr<4> hash_seed

The seed for the directory hashing algorithm.

u08 hash_version

The version of the directory hashing algorithm.

u08_arr<3> _reserved0

Alignment padding.

u32 default_mount_options

The default mount options for the file system.

u32 first_meta_block_group_id

The ID of the first meta block group.

u08_arr<760> _reserved1
